What is MSME?

MSME is also known as Udyog Aadhar. MSME stands for micro, small and medium enterprises and any enterprise that falls under any of these three categories.Micro, Small and Medium sized enterprises in both the manufacturing and service sector can obtain MSME Registration under the MSMED Act.

Benefits of MSME

MSME registration or SSI registration online helps businesses avail multiple government subsidies and benefits MSMED act, MSME gov.

  • Eligible for Mudra Loan Scheme
  • 50% discount on trademark and Patent Fees
  • Lesser Interest Rates For Bank OverDraft(OD)
  • Various Schemes for MSME

  • Udyog Aadhaar
  • Zero Defect Zero Effect
  • Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme
  • Women Entrepreneurship
  • Quality Management Standards and Quality Technology Tools
  • Grievance Monitoring System
  • Micro Enterprises

  • A Micro Enterprise in the service sector is an enterprise with less than Rs. 10 lakhs of investment in plant & machinery
  • A Micro Enterprise in the manufacturing sector is an enterprise with less than Rs. 25 lakhs of investment in plant & machinery
  • Small Enterprises

  • A Small Enterprise in the service sector is an enterprise with more than Rs. 10 lakhs but not exceeding Rs. 2 crores of investment in plant & machinery
  • A Small Enterprise in the manufacturing sector is an enterprise with more than Rs. 25 lakhs but not exceeding Rs. 5 crores of investment in plant & machinery.
  • Medium Enterprises

  • A Medium Enterprise in the service sector is an enterprise with more than Rs. 2 crores but not exceeding Rs. 5 crores of investment in plant & machinery.
  • A Medium Enterprise in the manufacturing sector is an enterprise with more than Rs. 5 crores but not exceeding Rs. 10 crores of investment in plant & machinery
  • We will always help you to grow your business

    Our mission is to provide you the highest quality of service and solution

    Documents required for MSME REGISTRATION

  • Name of the Enterprise
  • Type of Organization
  • Business Address Proof
  • Aadhar Number
  • PAN Number
  • Bank Details